Yesterday Dec. 1st was World AIDS Day. People from all over Mundri district gathered together to take part in this day of awareness. Because of Sudan's history of war it has only been in the last couple of years that AIDS education has been targeted. People are aware of this virus, but many may not understand its danger or the importance of being tested. The theme this year was Universal Access and Human Rights.

The day started off with everyone marching together down the road; singing as they moved.

Many primary schools from all over Mundri sent students to share songs and dramas stating the danger of HIV/AIDS

When student groups started dancing others from the audience soon joined in.
Many people were sporting t-shirts with bold statements written on them driving the point of AIDS awareness a little deeper. Some tshirts said 'Avoid risky behavior' or 'Nyebe nga londre wayi ro' which means You leave behind looking anyhow or 'Sibu takum Dowuria Sambala' which means You leave your messy walking.