In the small book shop here in Mundri town you can find a Moru to English dictionary. This dictionary has become very handy for my teammates and I when needing to look up words we hear or read that are unfamiliar. Compared to our massive English dictionary this dictionary seems small with its 146 pages. I find myself thinking 'Moru can't be too difficult to learn if their dictionary only has 146 pages.' Although, I am sure not every single Moru word is listed and the dictionary was written some years back. I have also come to realize as I look up different words that many Moru words have multiple meanings. And when I say multiple meanings I mean drastically different meanings. Take the word
dri for example, depending on how it is pronounced, used within a sentence, or what sound or letter is stressed it can mean: head, hand, on, through, bundle, or used to silence someone when they are talking. I confess that using words like this make me a little nervous because I fear I may say "Did you hand your firewood today?" instead of bundle firewood or "Put your book through the chair" instead of on the chair. But of course with learning a new language comes many many mistakes and lots of laughter.
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