This was a big week at the Parish Primary School. All week long a film crew was around taking pictures and film of the students and their soon to be finished school building. The crew was hired by OXFAM, an organization who dontated money to finance the construction of the new school. As you can imagine it was one distracting week as students were more facinated by the 'Obonje' moving around with high tech equiptment rather than a lesson from their teacher. And then to add to the mix, on Tuesday the commissioner and some of his sidekicks stopped by as part of their official tour of all the Mundri district primary schools. And of course the commissioner can not just stop by without a welcome banner, welcoming songs, and a few speeches. Even though not a lot of teaching was taking place during the week, it was fun to observe the students get excited over all the new things happening around them.

This is the current school building. There are only enough rooms for P4-P7 (4 grades), the rest of the students meet outside under trees.

The new spiffy school buildings. They are just weeks away from being finished, but the school year ends at the begining of Dec. so they probably won't shift till next year.

Desks! Currently the students sit either on chairs they bring from home or stones/bricks they find laying around the school grounds. They write in their school excersize books using their laps as a hard surface. These students are very excited about their new school furniture!
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