above: May 2009
Below: Feb. 2010

When I left Mundri in December the land was still lush and green. Tall grasses and corn stalks surrounded compounds and homes. This is not the Mundri I returned to. From the air flying in I noticed black patches where people had burned away the tall grasses in preparation for the dry/hot climate and the next planting season. When I walk on the road my view is no longer blocked by green bush, instead there is sparse growth and sight for some distance. The rain has been replaced by a strong wind that blows around the dust and warm air rather than provide a refreshing breeze. I am learning that each season has its pros and cons. With the rain comes humidity and mud, but also green and vegetation. With dry heat comes dust and dullness, but also lighter air and time to rest in the shade before planting season starts again.
Seasons really amaze me and remind me that the Lord created them for a reason. He knows exactly what the land needs and when to provide it. He shows us how to learn the lay of the land, when to plant, when to water, when to harvest, and when to rest.
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