One of the reasons I came to Ireland was to have some intentional intimate time with Jesus. The Lord answered this prayer through a rock which became my quiet niche and through leading me to a ridge that looked down to a peacefull lake. As I sat or stood in these beautiful places, surrounded by the intricate design of our Creator, I reflected on the words of Jesus:
Words of invitation- "Come and follow me."
Words of assurance- "Do not be afriad."
Words of promise- "I will always be with you."
Part of me expected that through this intentional meeting, the Lord would convict me of my sin and pretty much tell me all the things I need to change. Instead the opposite happened. Joy, peace, and comfort came with the truth that the Lord knit me together. That I am part of His intricate design. I am His image bearer and His beloved. Transformation comes through truly believing these certainties.
So now here I am longing to live like a daughter who is deeply loved by her Father.
1 comment:
Kim--your words of expecting conviction and finding love really struck me. Thanks for sharing them. We miss you here. It is Friday at 4 and I feel like we should be meeting . . nice to find your heart even if you can't be here in person.
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