Last Saturday I made the long journey back to Bundibugyo. On the way back I had a lot of time to think about what was ahead and what I was returning to. I thought about how things would be different; some team members would no longer be there, some of my cell group students may no longer be at Christ School, my role would be different… but at the same time I was full of thanksgiving. What a gift it is to travel back to a place like Bundibugyo, a place that became another home, a place that you can’t help but be reminded of God’s greatness through its beauty. With a thankful heart I began to think about all that was to come. I began to think about what it was going to be like to reunite with friends and neighbors, to speak Lubwisi again, to wake up to birds chirping and roosters crowing and to fall asleep to the pitter patter of rain and the croaking of frogs, to walk in the dark, to sit with people, to play with children and hear their laughter, to cook from scratch, and to just live simply.
Now that I have returned, there will be a lot of readjusting, but at the same time the rhythm of life here is so familiar and is not easily forgettable. As I walked down the road again it felt like only days or weeks since I had done it last instead of months. There have been many warm greetings from friends and neighbors, each person saying “well be back,” their way of saying welcome back. Each person also asking about each of my family members knowing the importance of time spent with family. I look forward to each day knowing that each moment is precious and a chance to see God’s glory revealed. Each breath is a gift, both my own and to those around me. My prayer is that I would continue to appreciate each moment that I am given, that my eyes and heart would be open to seeing Jesus in the things and people placed before me, and with each moment , both hard and fun would bring increased joy, and glory to our Father.
Dust & Ashes, Cloud & Fire
3 days ago
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