This last Tuesday I saw a showing of the most recent documentary put out by Invisible Children. Invisible Children is an organization that was developed by 3 young guys who came across the "night comuters" (Children who leave their home each day and walk to the nearest town to sleep because of fear of being abducted by rebels) in northern Uganda. They put together a very impactful documentary title
Invisible Children following the lives of some of the night commuters. Through this documentary they are trying to make the world aware of how this one rebel group, the Lord's Resistance Army is affecting the lives of so many. The most recent documentary
The Rescue is about the peace talks that the governments of Uganda, Congo, and s. Sudan are trying to have with LRA leader Joseph Kony and how at this point they are failing. I wanted to make you all aware of an event coming up Saturday April 25th. Many will be gathering in 100 different cities around the world. Invisible Children is asking all to abduct themselves and meet at designated "abducted sites", then you will march to the "LRA camp", and once arriving at the camp you will stay until rescued. This sounds like an amazing event that will allow many to unite and fight together for the many innocent lives that have been affected by the LRA. No longer is the rebel group abducting and killing in northern Uganda, but have now moved onto both Congo and s. Sudan. If you would like to know more please visit You can watch their most recent documentary on their website. Please also pass this along to your friends and family and let's keep praying that Joseph Kony is brought to justice and those that have been abducted are set free.