One of my tasks for the team is to make granola a few times a week. One of the key ingredients in granola is oats. I grabbed a brand new box of oats from one of our trunks and when I opened it I got the nice surprise of weevil city. Weevils are these tiny black insects that can somehow get through cardboard and plastic and really like to infest our flour, oats, rice, etc. It would have been really sad to throw a whole box of oatmeal away and so I decided to try and deweevil the oats by spreading it out on cookie sheets and placing it in the sun. For some reason this causes the weevils to surface and then leave. After letting the oatmeal sit in the sun for a few hours I examined it and noticed only a small amount of weevils still present. I decided the oats were now good enough to use for granola, a little extra protein never hurts. I think I am going to become very familiar with the deweeviling process.
hey hey, wow weevils. I always thought that weevil were like rodents or something. that would be really hard for me to eat. lol. so I found out that it costs 50 cents to text you and then i think 25 cents to recieve them. so i will probably text you sometime. love ya girl
Hope the granola was especially delicious. I never heard of deweeviling before!
As Jack Aubrey taught us in Master & Commander, remember that if you ever have to decide between weevils, you should always pick the smaller one.
That way you are choosing the lesser of two weevils.
- Eric (Hi! I'm Karen's brother)
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