Feel free, be free, you’re free, feel at home; these are common words one will hear during their visit or stay in Mundri. Last Monday night the church hosted a goodbye/thank you dinner for the team of 8 that spent the last week here. Many words of thanks and appreciation were shared and glory given to God for the ways that he connects us all. One of the men from the team made a comment about the phrases above and how warmly received they had been as a team and how they truly felt right at home. I too am always touched by the ways I am always lovingly received when visiting homes, churches, schools, etc. Every time I go for my language lesson I feel right at home when sitting with Mary at her place. This last Sunday Larissa and I went with two of the visitors to a church on the other side of the river. One of our visitors was asked to be the guest preacher. When we arrived we were surrounded by smiles and welcoming greetings. When it was time for the service to begin we were ushered to the front to sit in plastic chairs that looked out into the bright faces of the congregation. Not surprising seats for guests. Throughout the service the church was filled with dancing, ululating, drumming, and voices praising the Father. Towards the end of the service they had arranged for the women’s and children’s choirs to share a few songs in honor of the guests. Each group also offered gifts of locally made baskets and stools. This is just another example of how people here truly make you feel at home and free to be with them.

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